Monday, December 12, 2016

My Tree of Treasures -- New and Fair Trade Additions

Inspired by Bonnie Mackay's Tree of Treasures, I'm going to share the history of two of my tree treasures.  I'm kind of cheating because I bought both ornaments just last weekend, but why not start with a task that won't task my increasingly iffy memory? 

The gorgeous cardinal ornament above now has a perfect eye level spot on my beloved cardinal tree.  Made in India, the ornament was purchased at our parish's free trade artisan market, which takes place each year in December.  The purpose of the market is to bring a variety of artisan goods to buyers who pay fair prices for them and help support artisans and families all over the globe.  It's made of fabric, and I fell in love with the cording and beading details.  With many cardinals already perched on my tree, new additions have to be very unique and beautiful (see above) or welcome gifts from friends.

This beautiful ornament featuring the Holy Family was (surprise surprise) also purchased at the fair trade artisan event.  If I could get a decent photo of our family tree, you'd see that we need another ornament like a hole in the head.  However, I fell in love with this nativity tucked inside a hollowed out gourd from Peru.  Who can argue with a new and beautiful reminder of the true meaning of this Christmas season?

Both ornaments were purchased from the vendor Gracias Free Trade.  I know they'll grace our trees for many years.

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